Humor You 'n' Me

Check out my blog for things that will make you laugh: funny pictures, news, jokes, and videos. I may also write about various thoughts and experiences that might just... humor you 'n' me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Cheesy Jokes

Here's a random assortment of cheesy jokes, involving everything from police officers to termites to therapists to suspenders! I hope you like cheesy jokes, because I'm about to post 4 amazingly bad ones!

How do you know policemen are strong?
Because they can hold up traffic.

What do termites eat for breakfast?

What do massage therapists eat for dinner?

Why were the suspenders arrested?
For holding up a pair of pants.

As you can see, "bad" jokes aren't so bad after all. There's nothing wrong with a cheesy joke! I'll post more soon, so you can continue enjoying wonderfully bad jokes.


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